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 ░░▓▓██                                                                             ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██    Name:..................theDUBBER                                         ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██    Email:.................thedubber@rocketmail.com                          ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██    Site:..................www.thedubber.altervista.org                      ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██    Site:..................www.mysoft.altervista.org                         ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██    Site:..................www.thedubber-nfo.blogspot.com                    ██▓▓░░
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 ░░▓▓██    Youtube:...............www.youtube.com/@thedubber7                       ██▓▓░░
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 ░░▓▓██    MySoft is a production of theDUBBER. Visit the site at the bottom to     ██▓▓░░
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 ░░▓▓██    IRC : #mushROOM on Simosnap and Rizon                                    ██▓▓░░
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 ░░▓▓██    This NFO file was created with: Ascii Art Studio 2.2.1 - iNFekt 1.2.0.   ██▓▓░░
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 ░░▓▓██                     ┌════════════════════════════════┐                      ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██                     ║         theDUBBER-NFO          ║                      ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██                     ║         ─────────────          ║                      ██▓▓░░
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 ░░▓▓██             ░▓██▓░               CONTACTS:              ░▓██▓░              ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██             \    /  +--------------------------------+  \    /              ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██              \  /   |E-MAIL:thedubber@rocketmail.com |   \  /               ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██               \/    |                                |    \/                ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██               /\    |WEB:www.thedubber.altervista.org|    /\                ██▓▓░░
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 ░░▓▓██             /    \                                      /    \              ██▓▓░░
 ░░▓▓██                                  [theDUBBER]                                ██▓▓░░
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Tipo Nome Ultima modifica Dimensione
directory Blastar.bas (Elon Musk Game) 10-Apr-2023 12:42
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